G8X Queer Resistance 2007 Germany

Come and get involved in queering up the resistance to the G8 summit(7-9 June), in north Germany. We have a "barrio" within the large activists camp in Reddelich, near Rostock, to make the camp more ... camp.-- ******************************************** XXXXXXXCOME AND VISIT US XXXXXXXXXXXXX IN THE QUEER BARRIO IN REDDELICHXXX ******************************************** contact: queersagainstg8@yahoo.fr more general info on the protest in different languages:http://dissentnetzwerk.org

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Antiracist G8 action and event calendar

checkout the dates for anti-racist action during the G8!!

Sunday, 27 May 2007


only some days left, till the protest starts moving. people are already setting up the camps, and its time to think about how to get to rostock/camps. parts of the crew will take the train. if you want to join in, contact us or meet us in the train. we will take group tickets of 5 persons. so it would be good to know in advance, how many we are..
here you can see which times are fixed


## saturday 2.6

there is a special train for the demonstration in rostock
Nr. 38816
Berlin Hbf (tief) 09:03
Bln-Gesundbrunnen 09:10
arrival in rostock 11:32

Nr. 38817
Rostock Hbf 20:37
arrival in berlin hbf 23:03

but unfortunately most places are booked..

check out this website. people are offering a ride for about 10 euro from Berlin to Rostock.

there will be two routes joining in the center.
we are going to join the west-route with migration-block. look for pink flag with our symbol!
come prepared, read the antirepression guide(link on the right) and learn the legal team number 038204 - 768111.
interesting for the arriving is, that the starting point of this route is at a highway-cross. the deal is that more or less all activist arriving in busses will be left there. and as there is no public service during this saturday - it will be very difficult to come from one start-point to the other.
which means also for acticists arriving saturday morning with the train in rostock - it will be very difficult to join the queer-block.

so, think about arriving earlier, helping setting up the camp, and going together to the demo.

Friday, 25 May 2007

++++++ANTI REPRESSION++++++++ ++++++ANTI REPRESSION++++++

Kleiner Antirepressions-Ratgeber für "Queers against G8"
(small anti-repression guideline for "Queers against G8" - in english coming soon )
Rechtshilfetipps für Queers against G8
von "against repression - against prisons"

hier auch als pdf

!!small antirepression workshop for queers!!
wednesday 30th may // 4h45 pm
in bethanien // von www.arap.so36.net

##small introduction in basic legal information, exchange of experiences and ideas how to deal with police repression. in german with english translation.#
##kleine einführung in grundlegende infos, erfahrungsaustausch und ideen wie mit polizeirepression umgehen. in deutsch mit übersetzung in englisch.#

check out the gipfelsoli-website for anti/repression infos
you can find:
- Was tun wenns brennt (Antirepressions-Ratgeber, Rote Hilfe)/ legal info: deutsch | english | greek | castellano | arabic | italiano | türkce
- Was tun wenns brennt EXTRA Hinweise zum Demonstrationsrecht und zum Verhalten der Polizei auf Demonstrationen (nicht nur) für GenossInnen aus dem Ausland // legal infoe esp. on demonstration laws: castellano | english | deutsch
- Novellierung des Sicherheits- und Ordnungsgesetzes

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Police Raids in Germany

on wednesday, the 9th of may, about 900 cops raided 40 places in germany (mainly hamburg, berlin, bremen). private flats, as well as social centres and bookshops were searched, computers and other stuff got confiscated.there are investigations on at least 18 persons on article 129a(founding a terrorist group).the "evidences" are rediculous, using this paragraph has always been used by the bka(higher police force) to be able to search and control on a big scale while 90% of the cases had been closed again in the past.
in the evening we had massive solidarity demonstrations with several thousands of people! the best thing to happen after such an intense repression.
while of course ther is some more work now, we will proceed on preparing the protest as usual-- actually feeling stronger than before!!!!
for more information please read gipfelsoli and indymedia.

Queer Barrio Basics

These points are not rules set in stone, more tools to inspire and help us. They are the result of a workshop which took place at the preparation weekend in Berlin. There will be ongoing discussion anyway while the Barrio is up and running about how it should function.


Translation/interpreting: Before each meeting we should ask who needs translation.

Meetings should be once a day, and there should also be a daily information briefing on new situations as well as a notice board where new information can be posted.
There should be a time limit on meetings.
Ideally there should be two chair-persons with one person keeping a list of who is next to speak and seeing that agreed rules are stuck to (such as sign language).
For big meetings we may use the so-called “fish bowl” system; we divide into smaller groups for discussion then a “spokesperson” feeds back to the larger group. This can help people who feel uncomfortable in larger meetings the chance to voice their opinion. It can save also save time.


There will be a kitchen, an info point, a safe box, a first aid box, a meeting place, a relaxation area and a quiet space.

There will be around 8 roles on the barrio each day - jobs someone needs to be responsible for: 3 people for conflict-resolution, 2-4 people in the kitchen, 2 people for radio/telephone (if we decide to have one) and safe box.
We should also send 2 people to all meetings of the main camp and help with the main camp structure (sanitation, security, conflict-resolution, info point)

Form small affinity groups of 3-6 people within the barrio to look after each other. For demos and actions these groups are essential.
Bring energy and time to the camp!
Be prepared to take responsibility and take on shifts for as many roles as you can at the barrio.
People should also respect each other’s limits; different people have different skills and not everyone can do every task.
Be a part of a political camp, don’t just come here for a holiday.
Take responsibility for yourself and take initiatives.
If you do need to take a break, say this as soon as possible so that someone can take over the role.
People should be free to make constructive, helpful criticism, not expressed personally, and try to be open to criticism from others.

Drugs and alcohol should be used responsibly. There should be at least one completely alcohol-free, drug-free space.

Be prepared to deal with all prejudices and discrimination including those based on class, sex, race, image, anti-Semitism, homophobia and trans-phobia.

The conflict-resolution group should be different every day.
The group should consist of 3 people, suggested procedure is that one person acts as spokesperson for each “side” of the conflict and the third person mediates. Ideally these people should not be directly involved with the people having the conflict.


There will be a crisis-support group within the main camp. Everyone should know where this is and escort people from their affinity group who are suffering trauma and crises there. If a group member cannot do this, the conflict-resolution team will take over.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Repression gegen G8 strukturen

Am Morgen des 9. Mai 07 hat die Bundesanwaltschaft begonnen, bundesweit 40 linke Projekte, Wohnungen und Arbeitsplätze zu durchsuchen. An der Aktion waren dem Onlinemagazin Spiegel zu Folge 800 Polizeibeamte beteiligt. Als Begründung wird der Verdacht auf die Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinignung nach §129 vorgebracht. Ziel dieser soll es sein, den Ablauf des G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm mit Brandanschlägen zu stören. Der Durchsuchungsbeschluss benennt namentlich 17 Verdächtige.

Für heute Abend sind zahlreiche Solidemos geplant. (z.B. 20h Mariannenplatz, Berlin)

weitere infos/ more infos: de.indymedia.org

Solidarität mit allen betroffenen Projekten, Strukturen, WGs und Leuten !!!

Basics für Queer barrio Anti G8 2007 in Heiligendamm

klären welche Übersetzungen gebraucht werden

1 mal am Tag (gerne abends, das ist abhängig von dem Gesamtcampplenum)
begrenzte zeit dafür
moderation sollte möglichst von 2 personen übernommen werden, wenn beim Treffen viele sind.
1 person achtet auf redeliste und regeln im plenum (Zeichensprache)
fishbowl – system (sollte hier erklärt werden)

Zusätzlich 1 kurzes up-date treffen von wichtigen Informationen

örtliche struktur im barrio
infopoint, erste hilfe kiste, Save box
ruhiger ort (massage usw.)
Wechselnde Verantwortung jeden tag
2 -4 leute für die Küche
3 leute für Konfliktlösungsgruppe
2 leute die zu den Gesamtcampplenas gehen
2 leute für radio, save box, telefon
Viele leute die im gesamtcamp helfen mit Schutz, toiletten usw.usw
Kleingruppen bilden zu 3-6 Personen auf dem camp, die auf sich aufpassen. Außerdem vorher schon Kleingruppen für Aktionen machen.

Konkrete Energie und Zeit mitbringen für das queer barrio und das camp.
Eigenverantwortung und eigeninitiative ergreifen
Verantwortung übernehmen (Reproduktionsarbeit, regelmäßige Plena)

Teil sein eines politischen Camps. nicht Nur-Urlauber innen, Konsument innen sein.
Keinen Druck ausüben bei Aktionen teilzunehmen.
Akzeptieren das jemand gerade nicht kann.
Auszeiten möglich, wichtig ist, das zu kommunizieren.
Wenn Aufgaben übernommen wurden, die nicht mehr möglich sind, frühzeitig
kommunizieren, absagen oder ersatz finden.

Alle sollen frei sein, hilfreiche, sachliche, nicht persönliche Kritik zu geben und wiederum offen sein die Kritik von anderen zu hören.

keine harten drogen in der zeit des camps. Verantworungsvoller alkohol,- jointgenuss möglich. Küche und ruhiger Ort sind drogenfrei.

Bereitschaft zur auseinandersetzung zu klassismus, sexismus, rasismus, antisemitismus,
homo-transphobie, bodyismus und allen anderen unterdrückungs- und ausgrenzungsformen


Da es keine feste gruppe jetzt für ein konfliktlösungsgruppe gibt sind alle aufgefordert ,täglich einen neue gruppe zu bilden. 3 leute bilden eine gruppe. Je eine person aus dieser gruppe hat kontakt zu den jeweiligen konfliktparteien. Die 3. Person hat möglichst keine direkte verbindung zu beiden konfliktparteien. Heraus aus diesen Positionen suchen wir zusammen nach Umfang und Lösungen.

Ansprechpartner_innen für krisensupport

Es gibt wahrscheinlich auf dem Gesamtcamp eine Traumasupportgruppe. Dorthin begleiten wir mensch. Alle sollten darauf achten, ob jemand in einer Krise ist. Wenn deine Bezugspersonen dir nicht weiterhelfen können, sprich die Konfliktlösungsgruppe an, sie begleiten dich dann zur Traumasupportgruppe.

Sunday, 6 May 2007